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Today I am posting to congratulate The Spiral! OPERATION: HACK THE GIBSON is working. Several internal services at the EUROPOL ART DIVISION are down (including remote administration and several VoIP phone routers). We have also gathered some very interesting information that will be instrumental to the future of The Spiral.

All I will say about this now is that it seems as if the on-going investigation at EUROPOL ART DIVISION will change it's focus. Very soon... So. Watch and learn, my friend, watch and learn.

As a sort of reward for your hard work at PWNING EUROPOL and for our common amusement, we will today take a look at how "l33t" our adversary, Morten of the Art Divison (AKA "m0rt3n") really is. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did.

After a quick search on the interwebs, I turned my attention to the Back-Track Linux Forums. For those who doesn't know it, Back-Track is an open source Linux distribution used by network penetration testers, forensic analysts and other IT-security specialists. Or to put it a bit more bluntly: it is a free, open operating system made for and by HACKERS. Most of these hackers are using it to secure their networks and conduct investigations. It's an excellent tool.

So, what has "m0rt3n" contributed with at their forums? As it turns out: LULZ! Here is a breakdown of what m0rt3n has written so far (and remember that this guy has a salary of £ 7.640 a month, not counting perks as free parking, donuts, etc):

  1. "Can't open the top folders under the places menu, desktop folder not shown". Morten have problems installing his new laptop and asks for help. He can't access his graphical desktop and has to resort to THE CONSOLE AND WRITE TEXT COMMANDS instead of pointing-and-clicking. Very hackish. LOL!
  2. "Get VLC to work under root without compiling". Morten tries to install a program to view video files but can't get it to work under his administrator account. Maybe try another operating system, like Windows?
  3. "Face Recognition OSINT". Here it gets serious. He has downloaded a huge amount a videos and want to recognize people. But he is too lazy to do the work himself and turns to the forums. Well anyhow, thanks for the info on the investigation Morten!
  4. "How often do you use bt?". Thanks for posting all the information I needed to profile you. L33t!
  5. Aaand: "About my IP". Here we see how nice Morten is to n00bs asking simple questions. Instead of taking time to answer, he spends an equal amount of time writing a longer answer that's just downright arrogant. Nice attitude. Nice work priority (remember the salary).

Ok, that's it for now. A final word: KEEP IT UP!


About m4l3vvvich

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